Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies - Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey

Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies - Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey

Sheena's own website downloadable resources https://sheenacameron.com/
Available on Literacy place website
- Reading comprehension book downloads available on website
- Picture book list for support the teaching of different strategies. 
- reading with music
Reading activity book, green

Good readers are- good thinkers and good planners 

3 important strategies to lift reading
- self monitoring, inferring, summarising. + vocab

underpinning everything is vocabulary

The 3 levels of comprehension are developmental
literal - search and find
inferential - author and me
evaluative/applied - move beyond the text, consider what they think and believe in relation, justify their opinions, viewpoints

executive skills 
working memory - 2 parts, storage and processing
cognitive flexibility 

Links to downloads for activities and games to support executive skills - Harvard (to be sent)
Kelly B Cartwright. Executive skills and reading comprehension.

Importance of talk. talk is key for understanding. Teach conversation prompts. Oral Lang conversation cards PM14 and PM19. And prompts on website. Value the time to discuss

The Gradual Release of Responsibility Model 
Integrated curriculum important to embed learning
shared whole class teaching of a strategy. Follow up in groups
modelling books

Reading strategies support readers comprehension at all levels.

Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge - activating prior knowledge to support comprehension. slow it down. Pre-teaching vocabulary. experiences. text structure
Dot-to-dot connections - 

before connections and after reading connections in a different colour

connections recorded in a different colour each week as knowledge gained. ( good way of Tracking of topic inquiry)

The importance of teaching text structure and making connections between reading and writing.
 Activating Prior knowledge strategy

What is our purpose for reading? be explicit.

Self Monitoring

Students that are

decoding but not understanding what they are reading. Teaching word attack strategies
prefix, suffix and root words. over 50% of vocabulary, explicit teaching. Vital - Modelling and teaching of dictionary skills.  Guess the Meaning pg 110 the Writing Book. Powerpoint also avaialble.
visuwords.com another great dictionary website
post-it pointers available for students to identify things of focus or things that need clarifying
extension - yellow tricky words, pink authors view etc
word hippo website https://www.wordhippo.com/
activity with text. Highlighter pen then students identified what strategies they used to solve eg dictionary, reading on, rereading etc

Engagement is vital. Using the information to justify why you think that is going to happen. Readjusting predictions as you are reading.
working memory
Teacher modelling prediction when doing own shared reading. thinking aloud to share process with students.
slide showing modelling book with picture from text. students recording in modelling book own predictions before reading of text. 

Sheena Cameron website comprehension resources and activities
kidsnews  both Australian website
dogonews . fun area has some great writing motivation. informational text articles


retelling to work out what the main ideas are.

key words. what are they?  Must teach this skill. Students will identify most of the text as key words otherwise. Good beginning of the year activity 
notetaking, abbreviations, symbols and graphic organisers

Talking strip - Retelling , Oral lang book 
58 Story map. To add extension to Story map - Go back and add a quote from the text 

61 Sheena's website resources - to be a good reader powerpoint available

newspaper photo in modelling book. Students infer what is going on. 
comics and cartoons


ownership of thinking 


