Connected- Writing apps with Debbie Thorpe

Dailyfive  Dailycafe

WRiting apps
Notability- use as a modelling book to record group work. Looking at writing features, modelling specific learning. Evidence. Revisit next day.  Place to store brainstorming, planning for following day. Can email it.  Send as an email easiest way to share within all classroom devices, or PDF, dropbox.  A paid app.

Popplet lite app
 little text boxes to put thinking/brainstorm inside.  Great for writing planning, presentation

blogging, presentations, pics, diagrams and adding texts stickers
use to share work on class blog.  sequencing, instructional writing

write about - get paid version
pics with text prompts, can create own prompts, can select from further prompts
reluctant writers - can record audio, form a sentence, play back and listen before writing sentence.
Youtube for ideas on how to use

prompts - predictive text. When you put full stop it reads sentence back with errors.  this prompts for self correction.  Have to add full stop before it will read.  Is button option.

Kids Write
Genre text structure, ideas and planner

book creator
chn create own book. can be put into ibook, send to junior classes, make pdf for blog.

squeeble - spelling
set up word list
chn listen to word then they attempt to type it
set up players groups

find the wrong letter within a word

Word family phonics
All in capital letters

Explain everything
talk, write share
USe with shared book 

note taking, adding text, arrows to pics, presenting 

Storybook maker

make a book, add things that move, can borrow from public library books 

Reflection: Where to start? Some children confidently using book creator. How to set expectations and systems for all to use and produce an activity with only 1 iPad? Pic collage - planned activities within Reading.
Shared book - mirroring on whiteboard and using with Explain Everything is my next step.
