ULearn2015 Paula Jamieson - iPads in NE

ipads in the new entrant environment- Paula Jamieson Te Aku ki Papamoa

The device needs to nuture wonderment and ore

Maths - Maths racing app in pairs - paid app
search Paula Jamieson ibooks-on store - multi touch books  -  INSET day to create multi touch books
Problem Solving
divergent thinking
building resilience
creating content - need a set purpose 
fostering relationships
Making learning stick!

Tips and Techniques
consistant processes charging.
Model and share-management
utilise the camera-modelling videos to deliver content
blog, blog and blog-global audience  device-create, blog, delete. to clear device
use a buddy system-teach digital citizenship then buddy responsible to teach new students
nurture expert groups - older student or gifted,skilled responsible to teaching others in class
utilise all available tools
guide students to lead their own learning - explain everything app - students to make  own choices 
allow time to explore
nurture curiosity and problem solving - AR flashcards app -augmented reality alphabet cards 3D animals. 
Quiver app - colour sheets that hold iPad over to become 3D 

I wonder - using drawing pad - making thinking visible

pic collage -
  • photography skills taught first. snails view, giraffe view etc. changing colour. before using app to ensure quality.
  • use between 4 and 7 images to tell a story with no words

strip designer app paid - middle school up - adding text to photos

own blog- profile for each child. Easy blogger ap.

bloxorz app - maths challenge to do
Write about this nz app - free version

Reflection: Creating a pathway for each child to have their own blog site within the class blog will take the emphasis off teacher input and focus on the student and their learning -LEARNER AGENCY!!

bloxorz app - maths challenge to do
Write about this nz app - free version
