Jill Eggleton

In order to be truly literate they need to use all strands together. Oral lang key to all. 
Through speech we learn to organise thinking.

90% of what the brain remembers is the visual

Standards- In order to read need to learn
  • the code of language
  • making meaning
  • thinking critically

What really matters - a balance -
processing strategies
extend and enrich vocabulary
time to practise
uninterrupted time

create a love of reading 

Good teachers put themselves in the place of those that find it hard.
a combination of teaching methods used together will reach a greater range of students

Jill shared the ways she uses, sharing her methods and the importance of each.
Shared Book
Guided Reading sessions
Independent Reading
Reading aloud to chn

Reading aloud to chn
  • sending a pleasure message to the brain
  • reading aloud teaches!
  • research-need to have a 1000 stories read aloud before they become reader
When my class program gets full I am always trying to teach, listen to, or work with a student right until the bell goes. My reading aloud times always get squashed out as I timetable them for the end of a block. I need to change my times to the beginning of a session, or ensure I pack up with a valuable 10 mins left to share a story. If students in my room to not get read to in their home environments the challenge is for me to provide opportunities to hear 1000 stories.
