Cheryl Doig-Leadership Workshop

David Rock-Scarf

Beyond Measure - The Big Impact of Small Changes - Margaret Hefferman (TED Talk)
Challenge: What COULD you do? What  WILL you do?
Make one small change that will have high impact. It might be hard.
Reflection: Increasing wait time-less teacher talk is my ongoing challenge!

Cheryl introduced us to this thinking tool. We used appropriate coloured sticky notes to identify positives and negatives of our projects. Was a very effective tool, all must contribute, helps identify negatives, positives, highlighting what has happened and identifying where to next.

Reflection: This reminded me of the fact that my team members are new to our school. It is always a challenge between sharing our non-negotiables and overloading them. Having a supportive colleague alongside is very important. For us this year that is a challenge with three new members.  
This seems like a great way to promote sharing successes and discussion within team meetings. Promoting ideas and supporting new staff.
