ULearn2015 Nikki Urlich

Nikki Urlich - be teaching, but don't… Breakout 
Google off challenge - find answer in teams the fastest.
Best way of doing an Internet search?
Google Safe search
Safety button- hypothetical 
Teaching skimming and scanning.  Print off google page asking students to search for key words
Find it out Friday-Teacher table-teacher modelling the search - Interest day
Buddy classes with seniors for searching

V for Victory framework- V sign - spilt to skills, knowledge and processes 

 Skills needed for searching - skimming and scanning, evaluating

Skimming and scanning - icept - 55$ lifetimes behavioural training processing disorders
Evaluating - internet activity- tree octopus, internet not always correct 

Refining search in 3 steps - see photo or search model and question refining  
good searching techniques to search google efficiently - https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/134479?hl=en

elearning tools criteria- set up an elearning group to search and discuss new tools - then introduce. NOT teacher doing the work 
How to get your knowledge in 3 steps:
