Bruce Moody - Addition and Subtraction

Question and Answer Session:

Where do we start?  What do we teach?
Involves a change process to rethink how we approach maths teaching to optimise learning
Vision of where we want to be.
Education is about relationships
How to communicate with children effectively in maths
what children can do, not what they don't have
a maths lens to look at maths teaching
curriculum requires problem-solving
children learn maths in different ways - learn number through measurement, move between the strands

Three ideas - us, content, models

  1.  repetition to build a memory - how to be more effective - keep it simple, one story a day with new work and lots of repetition. Have a reason for asking how a problem was solved
  2. reference the learning to the curriculum - what students need to know and do to progress through the levels. Basic bonds and place value at Level 2
  3. models are the interface between maths and the children - think about the story, meaningful contexts accelerate children. Using a packet of biscuits, tens frames and a problem. Use of materials effectively to support maths learning and reinforce the bonds

  • Counting - to get the language and the sequences - one to one matching (match of quantity) - cardinality and ordinality (one, two, three, what number are you? - should be 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
  • Adding - numbers coming together in chunks up to ten - one more - bonds of 5 - 5 and ? - doubles to ten - bonds of 10 - exceptions (4 +2, 4 + 3, 6 + 2, 6 + 3, 7 + 2)
  • Place Value - ten and ? , doubles to twenty
  • Counting On - (has sequencing and language to 100) (stay away from counting back)
  • 2 digit place value - (tcrs asked to visualise 25 children - we see individual children, visualise $25 we see 2 x $10 and $5 - easier to deal with) - needs lots of time.  
  • Changing 1's - what's 5 and 3 = 8, so 25 and 3 (what do you see that you know? 5 and 3) so what’s 25 and 3, what's 45 and 3, what's 325 and 3?
  • Change 10's  what's 53 + 20?
  • Change both 45 + 32  (45 + 30 = 75 + 2 = 77)
  • Cross decade - 28 + 6   we want to get to 30 8 + ? = 10, 8 + 2 where do we get the 2 from? the 6 so 28 + 2 = 30 + 4 + 34
  • 32 lollies going to eat 6, eat the 2 - how many more do I get to eat?  4 where do I get the 4 from, one of the packets (of jellybeans in tens), how many are left in the container 6, so how many altogether 26

So What? What next?
Target the learning. Will need to establish strong number bond knowledge for all students, take back and work in storying context. Establish problem solving challenge of the day.
