LEvel 1 and 2 4 April 2017
YEar 1 - Repetition of count
Count of people, count of legs
Looking for Year 1 chn to recognise repetition of count eg. stools, how many stools, how many legs? Situations where 2 counts are visible - Kumura in the bag standard example.
Getting kids used to the 2 count process. Always 2 things happening in a multiplication problem. Bananas and monkeys.
Year 2 - skip counting in 2s and 5s
Counting involves the re-numeration of a set. So when skip counting There must be something to count. Start with things naturally packaged - ie 2 eyes. How many people do we have? Now count the eyes, 4 people have 8 eyes.
Want them to be able to impose that count on a disorganised set. Not organised likes arms and legs.
We do have natural packaging but children need to use known process within a disorganised set. Skip counting is a counting procedure.
Equal sharing - dealing strategy - passing out 1 at a time
Aim to start describing what they have done. 6 lollipops and 3 people, ask them How many do you think they are going to get. Use opportunity to draw attention to double count. How many people, how many lo
Lollipops? Later on want them to share in groups - eg 2s IF a child has been used to skip counting they will be used to sharing in groups.
End Year 2-Year 3
- Language clear
Introduce multiplication symbols
I have 12 fruit at my vege shop. Can you find a way to package you grapes ready to sell. Can you find another way to put them into bags. Chn will make naturally different versions, equal.
Introduce language and symbols when they are able to tell us 3 bags of 4 is 12 3 x 4 = 12
Always ask them “how many grapes do you have to sell” so hearing 12 remains constant. Show that nothing has changed when writing the equations.
- 2x 5x secure
$2 shop. Counters going over the scanner. 4 things cost $8. 1 object imagining 2
2x and 5xs we want them to actually know them.
After teaching 10+ in addition, teach doubles
I and we to teach doubles. I’ve got 3, copycat friend, how many do we have.
Halving - reverse the double. We caught 6, how many did I catch?
Olive make me 7. Teacher copy and join to work out.
Opportunities for algebra.
Counting in 5s, can 227 be in this pattern? What about 380? 551 has lots of 5s does it fit?
2s will 789
3 April 2017
Mult/Div Level 2-4
3 divided by 0.6 Put in context. 3kg of sugar, need 600g to make a cake. How many cakes can i make.
12 people, 3 teams , how many people in a team - sharing
12 people and I am going to put you in sets of 4, so how many teams will we have? - quota
Once mult secure introduce division story. Match the division story.
4 groups of 6 is 24. So now I want to make 4 teams. How many in a team? Linking the 2 together-same thinking. Packaging and unpackaging. 12 apples remain the same - split them into bags, back together numbers don’t change. Not making something smaller.
Don’t use mult symbol when talking about skip counting - x is lots of.
Grouping before arrays - groups of, bags of, sets of
Inside outside count established before arrays used. Language - 5 groups of 5 - outside-5x4-inside
Mult game -cards
Mult number by 5. First player to get 3 cards. They then become the dealer.
Change attitude, not allowed to say “I don’t know” should know how to work it out. Expect and model that every time.
Chn should be responsible for tracking their own progress for timetables. Highlight over the ones they already know. Can learn 2 at a time, 6x2 is same as 2x6. When learnt move to another2.
Assessment - Gloss individual questions
Set 3 questions on the board - number kids off, so can’t be copying. Collect as evidence to go into folders.
No interview- pencil and paper to record.
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