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14 June-Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey
14 June-Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey
increase the quality and quantity of student talk by explicitly teaching vocabulary and speaking and listening skills
Plan and embed oral language opportunities within the curriculum. - notes here
So what?
'talk plays a central role in learning; in learning how to think and in thinking your way to learning’
Talking frames - start off as oral language and morphs into a model for recount in writing.
Think Pair Share - chn need 5 seconds to think before they turn to their partner and share.
Think of a better verb for went - turn and choose one verb from the word wall/ Tcher hold hand up and counts down 5 silently - now turn and share with your partner.
Establish criteria for ‘what good listening looks like’
Students actively listening to each other and not just the teacher
Tcher - if you paraphrase what the chn say the children are not listening to each other and only listening to the teacher. Are we all looking at each other, are they speaking clearly so they can be heard. Set criteria with the children - speaking clearly with each other.
Asking more open questions (students and teachers)
Using alternatives to questions
Paraphrasing selectively when students need to hear back correct grammar.
Instead of ‘I’ll come back to you’ provide a sentence stem or suggestion to support - My idea is…
NO hands up discussion’ class rules established for turn taking - students just wait for a turn. Find a gap. If same time as someone just stop and wait for another gap. Comments flow quickly. Trial in writing sharing sentences
Think aloud
Can the kids do a talk aloud in response to your question - do you think he really means he wants to step inside the telly.
Using a statement in guided reading
Pose and comment and they all discuss it. - Giles is very lonely and he is mean because he doesn’t have a friend.’ This is my thoughts. What do you think?
A statement can get the conversation going - rather than a question
Talk topic PM55
Would you rather?
Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak all other languages
What Next?
Establish talking partners
Provide Talking strips - chunking it out into full sentences - extending students to expand their ideas and sentences. Use with my weekly Oral language picture task. I will read each sentence introduction and model 'thinking time for 5' before they begin to share. This will encourage and scaffold steps for students to discuss with a partner, rather than in groups as we do at present.
Barrier games - make sets of pizza game and rods. Have set up as before school tasks.
Open questions - handing more of the question asking over to the kids.
Open question stems - could be used as follow up for guided reading text
I wonder question stem
Question strip 5Ws
Smart questions PM32 -
Elaboration question model - encourage students to use in response to sharing ‘Why do you think that?’
Introduce hot seating - drama activity in response to big book or class chapter book. Friday fun
Establish no-hands up discussion in guided reading group sessions. Could be good to encourage more students to contribute in fast sharing such as 'Word family' each week.
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