Yolanda Soryl Literacy

Yolanda Soryl
Phonics training - Stage 1-7

shinderbell - blending is a skill necessary for reading
                   - segmentation is necessary for spelling - break a word to get to the sounds

Phonics definition:
Phonics is
         the skills of segmentation and blending
          a knowledge of the alphabetic code

Maree Clay - Searchlight model
  • phonics
  • grammar
  • context 
  • word recognition and graphic knowledge

Phonics is low level for beginning readers and writers

Phonics is work level but we need to be able to transfer to reading and writing

Repetition of experience that activates the left-hand side of the brain. Repetition to move from short term to long term memory. Poor readers use both sides of the brain. need to move to the left.  Phonics can help at any age or stage.

Stage 2- 
Important question - Can you tell me the first sound in 'dog, mat...

*Teaching in little bites every day
Stage 1
General Sound Discrimination
Helping children learning how to hear. Close your eyes for 5 seconds and then tell me what you hear.
Soundtracks resources

Speech sound Discrimination
Sounds table in our junior classrooms
Speed up the retrieval process-take anything familiar and take to fluency.
Animal sound cards, "on your marks, go" show cards faster.

Alliteration - 
I say, you say "Copy me" 3 words

Can chn follow a pattern?
Can they repeat it back in a different way. Transfers into writing
Music, movement and phonological awareness correlate in left side of brain.

Sound Breaks 
clapping syllables. 
3 words everyday - 3, 2, 1 syllable examples
Robot dog-segment

being able to recite a nursery rhyme is an indicator of success as a reader.
Students need to hear a lot of rhymes, have an age-appropriate book to read from daily
memorising poems and resciting them. Give them opportunities
STudents got to be able to generate - supports spelling

NE classes start at Stage 2

Phonic Apps - Word Shark. Steps. Yolanda app to be marketed soon.
Yolanda lessons on youtube videos. Yolanda website

Support - revisit and discuss in team meetings. Teach through the stages. Don't stay on stage 2.

Students who forget!! - research shows we need to increase the number of opportunities to revise. 
Becks- showing card and asking what's that sound throughout the day. Giving more opportunities to move from short term memory to long term.

How to use a phoneme/word card in writing
1. What is your story - Say the story while they clap
2. Teacher records sentence on the side to track. 
3. Hold the story. Reread as writing

- when looking for a sound with beginners give them a choice "Is it that one, or that one?" Scaffolding. Moving on to them finding as knowledge grows.  Yolanda takes one group of 6 students at a time, producing only one sentence a day each. 
Support alternate lines- blue crayon

Yolanda picture after writing - writing starts with a conversation.
Jill Eggleton - plan NOT a picture

Vowel strips - on website. Vowel drills

Pencil grip  - nip grip and flip - twinkl downloadable

as progress through the stages - "Get to the word the fastest way"

Do students know the difference - sounding out/phonemes  spell it out/graphemes

Phonemes fingers game-
a blend is 2 phonemes. No blends in phonics. Teach the blends in spelling later, word patterns.

Stage 4

CVC games are Stage 4
To bridge the gap into Stage 4 teach explicitly. YS Poem 'Dog and Mog' the week before the 'dog' lesson in Stage 4.

Correlation - the more words you read the better the reader Year 3 gap that grows
Support - more opportunities to read to an expert reader.
              - fluency - techniques to engage memory, finger spell, spell out loud, whisper it, write it on  your hand. say it in your head.

Shared WRiting - students on the mat have whiteboards, "I want to write the word 'rocket'. Everyone help me on your whiteboards. What will I need?"

Stage 5

Get it into writing at stage 5-7  TRANSFER

Stage 6 - relate new words to KEY word taught
Key phrases

literary innovators - Spelling program, with Wordlab
